Regenera participated in the Conference “Water Innovation Europe 2019 – Water Meets Energy, Energy Meets Water En” – Brussels, Europe
We have participated in this event in which the protagonist and center of attention has been the water nexus – energy that in our society and economy are highly interconnected. For our part we can say that this new experience has served us to keep up with water-energy approaches and learn from new technologies. It has also been a good opportunity to connect and collaborate with professionals in our sector and share our work.
Today we have new prospects for opportunities for the future of the sector! The event mainly discussed three aspects:
- What water services can learn from energy services to raise awareness and recognize their value.
- Explore and deepen reciprocal dependence on what water and energy services can provide us
- Finally and important, the answer to the following question: How to build environments that promote the water-energy nexus? With regard to this interesting question, there have been proposals in which we can realize that together they can achieve an intelligent society.